

More than 20 years of global experience

We have over 20 years of experience in the textile industry. Our commitment lies in producing high-quality and cost-effective garments for our customers.

With production units in Bangladesh and a highly competitive fabric purchasing division in China, we provide a wide range of production capabilities at competitive prices and flexible payment terms.

At all our locations, we maintain a strict policy of discretion and confidentiality regarding our customers' products.

"With production units in Bangladesh and a highly competitive fabric purchasing in China, we offer you a wide range of production capabilities at very competitive prices and payment terms."

Ibrahim Khalil & Michael Mathiasen, Unibrands

A global team of specialists

With over 20 years of experience in the garment industry, we possess production units in Bangladesh and a highly experienced fabric purchasing team in China.

This allows us to offer you a wide range of production capabilities at competitive prices and flexible payment terms.

This is what we do

Not your average partner 

Unibrands is not your average, expensive partner in the process. Instead, we take a proactive approach to your production process. We possess a deep understanding of the possibilities and challenges in garment production, ranging from development and financing to marketing and production.

This means we can offer guidance and support tailored to your specific needs throughout the entire production process. The level of support we provide is entirely up to you, allowing you to be as involved as you desire.


Let's talk about your possibilities

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